Reiki Level II training online
Okuden - internal training
Start on June 20 7 p.m.
Every living thing has the ability to heal itself…
Therefore, self-healing is not a miracle!
Self-healing is a natural process that arises from the harmonious connection of spirit, body and the inexhaustible power of the soul. When we reach this state, inner peace begins to heal us!
Reiki Master training online program
Reiki master level. How to achieve Reiki Mastery?
Reiki Master symbols, meaning, methods of use.
Reiki master practices and meditations.
Symbol of Antahkarana. History, esoteric meaning, ways of application.
Using crystals in Reiki sessions. Crystal mandala.
Methods of energy diagnostics.
Remote and face-to-face sessions are required. Reiki session paraphernalia.
The professional activities of a Reiki master. How to make Reiki practice your favorite activity?
Reiki and coaching.
Methodical material.
This workshop is only for people who have completed Reiki Level II.
Initiations will be carried out individually according to a pre-agreed time.
The workshop will be led by:
Rūta Černiauskaitė - founder of Ruta Healing Center, Reiki master-teacher, (sub)consciousness transformation master, Karuna Reiki and Aura-Soma® practitioner, spiritual spine straightening specialist._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_
Reiki - universal vital energy coming from the highest point of the Universe. The Reiki system is a system of self-healing and spiritual development, with the help of which we can connect to the universe's universal source of healing energy. Which we can use for self-healing, energy balancing, self-regulation, relaxation, harmonization, spiritual development and success. Also transfer this energy directly or remotely to another person, animals, environment. There are three levels in the Reiki system: SHODEN, OKUDEN, SHINPIDEN.
Location: closed FB group. The program consists of quality recordings, live broadcasts via Zoom, individual work. Records can be viewed at your convenience for an unlimited time. Attention, those who do not use Facebook, we will offer another alternative.
March 14 at 7 p.m.Reiki master level. How to develop Reiki mastery? Energetic preparation to become a Reiki Master. Meditation.
March 16 7 p.m. Practices of Chotsu Reich and Reiji.
March 21 7 p.m. Three columns are required.
March 23 7 p.m. Traditional Reiki Master symbol.
March 25 10 a.m. Meditation by a Reiki Master.
March 28 7 p.m. Tibetan Reiki Master Symbols.
March 30 7 p.m. Tibetan Reiki Symbols.
April 1 10 a.m. Methods of energy diagnostics. Practice in pairs.
April 4 d. 19 hr. The Hui Yin and Violet Light.
April 6 d. 19 hr. Symbol of Antahkarana. Crystal repeater.
April 11 d. 19 hr. The Reiki Code. The practices and responsibilities of a Reiki master.
April 13 d. 19 val. The professional activities of a Reiki master. How to make Reiki practice your favorite activity? How to present yourself properly? How to build your circle of loyal customers?
April 18 d. 19 val. Coaching is also needed. Course discussion. Questions and answers
Workshop price:
· 460 EUR (can be paid in installments)
Registration: https://forms.gle/E72PZdUJwDJttWM18
Ruth: 8633 00011,rutahealing@gmail.com