Rūta Černiauskaitė is a Reiki master - teacher, member of the International Reiki Association, Karuna Reiki practitioner. Spiritual spine straightening specialist, Consciousness transformation master, Baltic Lila master, and Aura-Soma® practitioner. Founder of "School of Goddesses", meditation teacher, beauty and health nurturer.
The writer
Self-development book "Diary of the Soul".
Copypright online courses
"Heal the Soul wounds"
"Chakra Cleansing and Balancing"
"Transformation of financial blocks - the way to abundance"
Author's meditations
Hello, my name is Ruta.
Since childhood, I have felt an attraction to the world that is intangible. There was something more than the external forms that I could touch. I intuitively started looking for spiritual things when I was 14 years old. I remember that while walking along Savičius Street, I saw an esoteric bookstore and entered it. At that time, I did not know how to speak Russian yet, and all esoteric literature was in Russian. Therefore, I bought my first cassette of Osho's meditations; I had no idea what meditation was. I listened often and felt that I ended to a different state of mind.
Later, when I was about 17, I became interested in energy cleansing practices. At that time, I experimented and noticed that when I cleaned a person energetically, his physical body healed. It was the first testimony of healing.
My Soul searched for the meaning of life. I felt my Soul was dying because it needed spiritual guidance and energy. Knowing the material world alone did not make me happy; I wanted spiritual things. The situation worsened: repeated car accidents, a failed relationship, and minor health problems led to a new rebirth of consciousness.
Due to certain life circumstances, I went to my first seminar far from Lithuania to the mountainous region of Altai. It became my lucky card for deeper self-knowledge. I felt a great power of transformation, thanks to which I changed a lot both inside and outside. I felt a close connection with myself and the Universe. I felt God's presence near me.
After acquiring a lot of theoretical and practical knowledge, I founded the "School of Goddesses," where I conducted various seminars for women. Among which were training courses for correct posture and elegant gait. During the classes, I noticed that it is difficult for some women to walk straight because their spine is crooked, one shoulder is higher than the other, and many worries in the inner world are reflected on the outside.
Life happened in such a way that I met my teacher, the pioneer of this method, at a spiritual spine-straightening conference in Vilnius. What he told and showed me was like a miracle. My first thought was: "I want to help people straighten up and get stronger mentally and physically." And I was lucky that the first level workshop was scheduled a week later. After attending the first seminar, I realized I would start learning Reiki. And so suddenly, I found myself in the Reiki system. Nothing happens by chance in this life; I felt guidance from above and relied on this guidance.
The studies and practices continued. After some time, I also completed the "Spiritual Straightening" healing courses. Currently, I am not only a student of Piotr Elkunovic but also a colleague. Which can equally straighten a person's spiritual and physical spine, activate the body's self-healing forces, transform negative informational energies and raise vibrations. Spiritual straightening strengthens a person's health, helps to rise to the next level of consciousness, and feel the restoration of the divine order in one's being.
My calling is spiritual and physical healing of people: guidance, consciousness transformation seminars, and realization of creative potential. To transfer accumulated knowledge, experience, and energy from heart to heart. So that the world becomes brighter and a person feels the transformation of his consciousness, rebirth in a new dimension.
"Life is a miracle, a gift from God. Let's open our hearts and merge with the light energy of the universe, leaving behind pain, experiences, and hurts. Being in the moment here and now, let's breathe deeply and breathe out with gratitude. Here comes a new day full of miracles!".
