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Ruta Cerniauskaite - Reiki Master Teacher, Karuna Reiki practitioner. 

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One of the shortest Reiki spiritual lines in the world.

Jikiden Reiki Level I and II Practitioner by Spiritual Lineage:

Dr. Mikao Usui

Dr. Chujiro Hayashi

Mrs. Chiyoko Yamaguchi

Dalia Braziulytė

Rūta Černiauskaitė


2012 Reiki Level I. Teacher - Piotras Elkunovičius.

2012 Reiki Level II. Teacher - Piotras Elkunovičius.

2015 Reiki Master-Teacher. Teacher - Piotras Elkunovičius.

2017 Reiki Level I . Teacher - Dalia Braziulytė.

2018 Reiki Level II. Teacher - Dalia Braziulytė.

2018 Karuna Reiki Levels I and II. Teacher - Dalia Braziulytė.

2021 Reiki advanced training courses. Teacher - Irina Kozlova.

2022 Reiki Advanced training courses. French Reiki master-teacher Nita Mocanu.

 Reiki practice in Lithuania, England, Spain, Kingdom of Bahrain with the Queen of Bahrain. 


 Reiki is universal life force energy. The Reiki system is a self-healing and spiritual development system, with the help of which we can connect to the universe's universal energy source, which we can use for self-healing, balancing, self-regulation, relaxation, harmonization, spiritual development, and success. Also, transfer this energy directly or remotely to another person, animal, or environment.


 The Reiki system consists of three levels: SHODEN, OKUDEN, and SHINPIDEN.

  • Reiki Level I seminar Shoden 

  • Reiki level II seminar Okuden

  • Reiki level III seminar Shinpiden

  • Reiki Shinpiden: Reiki Master Healer and Reiki Master Teacher

 Upcoming seminars

Reiki club online

7/02/23 Reiki level I seminar online

18-19/02/23 Reiki level I seminar in Tenerife

4-5/03/23 Reiki level I seminar in Tenerife

14/03/23 Reiki Master Healer seminar online

20/03/23 Reiki level II seminar online

25-26/03/23 Reiki level I seminar in Vilnius

Reiki Level I seminar in Norway

25-28/05/23 Reiki retreat in

 Want to learn Reiki now? Apply by e-mail by mail: The seminar takes place individually or in groups, live or online, in Lithuanian, Russian, and English. 

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Reiki I pakopa online


                      REIKI SHODEN 

  Reiki is a universal life force energy we can use for self-healing, energy restoration, balancing, self-regulation, relaxation, harmonization, spiritual development, and success. During the seminar, we will delve into the philosophy of Reiki; we will discover the universal key to an inexhaustible source of universal energy. 

Reiki mokymai Vilniuje


                    REIKI SHODEN

  Reiki is a universal life force energy we can use for self-healing, energy restoration, balancing, self-regulation, relaxation, harmonization, spiritual development, and success. During the seminar, we will delve into the philosophy of Reiki; we will discover the universal key to an inexhaustible source of universal energy. 

Reiki II pakopa online


  Reiki OKUDEN

  Okuden is the inner teaching, and symbols are the key. Time and space do not matter. Human can begin to work beyond time and space. With regular practice, a person, his subtle bodies, and chakras are cleansed, harmonized, and filled with light energy. As a result, we discover a connection with the highest Self. 

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            Reiki SHODEN in Norway

  Reiki is a universal force energy we can use for self-healing, energy restoration, balancing, self-regulation, relaxation, harmonization, spiritual development, and success. During the seminar, we will delve into the philosophy of Reiki; we will discover the universal key to an inexhaustible source of vital energy. 

Reiki Meistro mokymai


             Reiki Shinpiden online
 The level of Reiki Master is an essential step in a person's life. Those who have completed Reiki I and Reiki II levels can only reach this level and have actual practice in Reiki. At this level, we can merge with the infinite light that cleanses, harmonizes, and helps us achieve unity with ourselves and the universe. 

Reiki klubas


                  Reiki circle online
 We invite Reiki lovers to deepen their knowledge and continue to grow in the Reiki space.
  We will take a closer look at the Reiki system; we will perform meditations, self-healing sessions, breathing exercises, and other practices in the flow of Reiki energy. 
  All Reiki practitioners can join. 

Reiki seminars

Reiki energy

 Reiki energy flows like water into your aura, organs, and systems. First fills the most profound places that need help the most. Then the fuel expands and fills the entire vessel of your being with vital energy. Which not only cleans but also transforms, removes tension and energy blocks, and makes your body healthy. Fills your being with love and light.

  Each Reiki session can feel different. During the first session, the most critical issues are addressed on both the physical and spiritual levels. In the following sessions, a person feels more relaxed and freed from energy blocks. Therefore, the energy flows more freely and does its work without interruption. Depending on the intention of the Reiki session, the body needs time to recover. Therefore, I recommend direct or remote. You need a course of sessions.

  This method is usually used in medical institutions as an additional measure next to the usual medical procedures. In 2008 the newspaper "USA Today" announced that about 15 percent (more than 800) US hospitals use the Reiki method in their regular practice. In Switzerland, health insurance pays for Reiki sessions; in France, Reiki is given to people with cancer and in rehabilitation clinics. Doctors have recognized the Reiki method because it helps patients to recover, using fewer drugs, reducing their side effects and the number of complications after surgery, improving the condition of patients after chemotherapy and improving their mood.

Reiki stovykla "Atgimk pavasarį iš naujo" sodyboje Brazylija


​ Reiki stovykla - puikus laikas prisipildyti naujų jėgų ir įgyti žinių, pabūti bendraminčių rate - dvasinių gyduolių seminare. Seminaro metu gilinsimės į Reiki sistemos filosofiją, atrasime universalų raktą, atrakinantį duris prie neišsenkančio ir gydančio visatos šviesos ir meilės šaltinio, kuris apvalo sielą, sveikatina kūną, harmonizuoja dvasinę būseną. Jūsų laukia nuostabios meditacijos, dvasinės praktikos, Baltiškos Lilos žaidimas ir nuostabi kompanija, su kuria gera kartu būti ir patirti. Daugiau

Reiki stovykla

Reiki nuotolinis kolektyvinis seansas
Kiekvieną sekmadienį 21 val. nuo 2020 m.

Nuotolinio seanso metu yra perduodama Reiki universali gyvybinė energija, kuri švelniai užpildo ir energetiškai valo aurą, fizinį kūną, visus organus ir sistemas. Padeda giliai atsipalaiduoti, harmonizuoja vidinę būseną. 

Nuotolinius seansus atlieka Reiki Meistrė Rūta Černiauskaitė ir Reiki praktikai, kurie baigė Reiki II ar III pakopą. 

Seansai nemokami, dalyvauti gali visi norintys. Jums tereikia užsiregistruoti ir nurodytu laiku nusiteikti Reiki energijos priėmimui. Dėmesio, tai ne tiesioginis eteris. Pasiruošimas: nurodytu laiku geriausia atsisėsti ar atsigulti patogiai ramioje aplinkoje. Užsidegti žvakutę ir nusiteikti Reiki energijos priėmimui. 

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