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esu Rūta Černiauskaitė,

 Reiki meistrė - mokytoja, tarptautinės Reiki asociacijos narė, Karuna Reiki ir Kundalini Reiki praktikė. Dvasinio stuburo ištiesinimo specialistė, Sąmonės transformacijos meistrė, Baltiškos Lilos meistrė, Neurografikos instruktorė, Aura-Soma® praktikė. "Deivių mokyklos" įkūrėja,  meditacijų mokytoja, grožio ir sveikatos puoselėtoja.

  "Gyvenimas yra stebuklas, Dievo dovana. Atverkime širdis ir susiliekime su visatos šviesos energija, palikdami užnugary skausmą, išgyvenimus, nuoskaudas. Būdami momente čia ir dabar gyliai įkvėpkime ir su dėkingumu iškvėpkime. Štai atėjo nauja diena pilna stebuklų!". 

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 Reiki is a life force energy. It's a Japanese technique which promotes relaxation, reduce stress, awakening of self healing powers. The Reiki system is a self-healing and spiritual development system. Reiki energy we can use for self-healing, energy-balancing, self-regulation, relaxation, harmonization, spiritual development and success. You can transfer this energy directly or remotely to another person, animals, environment. Send energy to the past and harmonize past situations, heal Soul wounds. Send energy to the future and bless your children, life and projects. 
The Reiki system consists of three levels: SHODEN, OKUDEN, SHINPIDEN.

Ruta Healing
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 Neurografika - tai kūrybiškas saviugdos metodas, kuris apima darbą su sąmone ir pasąmone. Piešinyje yra naudojama Neurografinė linija, kuri suaktyvina neuronus ir padeda formuotis naujoms neuroninėms jungtims. Šis metodas yra moksliškai pagrįstas. Gali būti taikomas darbui su praeitimi, dabartine būsena ir naujos realybės kūrime.

 Neurografikos metodo pagalba galima nuimti vidines įtampas, transformuoti neigiamas mintis ir emocijas, keisti įsitikinimus, formuoti naują mąstymą, aktyvuoti vidinius resursus, atskleisti savo potencialą, rasti sprendimus savo gyvenime.



Floating in the Sea

 Dear like-minded people, I invite you to write the "Soul Diary" together.


"Soul Diary" is a spiritual development tool consisting of introspection exercises and tasks. Everyone who buys the book "Diary of the Soul" will have the opportunity to participate in the closed FB group. In which we will share our experience, insights, and together we will complete daily tasks. A safe energy space will be created where you will feel guided and supported. You can also fill in the Soul diary individually. 

course online 

As within, so without,

As above so below.

Let's turn our fears into joy

Distrust to self-love,

Rejection - to acceptance.


 This program is a meditative journey to your inner space, the world of the soul, the subconscious level. With the help of high vibration energies, we can heal the wounds of our soul, transform poison into nectar. It's a kind of alchemy of the soul where we can do miracles and observe changes in the real world.

  "The content of the personal subconscious consists of mental phenomena "pushed" by consciousness into the subconscious, which are unpleasant for a person or which are very uncomfortable and unacceptable due to the influence of the moral environment - these are primitive sensory instincts, morbid moods and ideas, various phobias, lost or intentionally forgotten painful memories and images, various sensory perceptions that are not mature enough and too weak to reach consciousness. And that so-called "expulsion" is a certain defensive mental process that works in a person throughout his life." CG Jung.


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