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Reiki Level I seminar online 

  Magical power in my eyes, radiant light in my palms

  Reiki seminar online - a great time to fill up with new strength and gain knowledge. The training will take place online at your request, as not everyone can come and participate. In such a situation, we want everyone to be able to help themselves and others. 

  During the seminar, we will delve into the philosophy of the Reiki system; we will discover the universal key that unlocks the door to the inexhaustible and healing source of light and love of the universe, which cleanses the soul, heals the body, harmonizes the spiritual state.  The seminar is intended for beginners, advanced in various spiritual practices, and those who want to update previously acquired Reiki knowledge and practices. 

Reiki I pakopos mokymai online

 Reiki Level I online seminar program

  • The history, philosophy, and system of Reiki

  • Reiki symbol, hieroglyph meaning

  • Initiations: live or remotely, if possible

  • Gasho-Reiki meditation 

  • A complete self-healing session for self 

  • 5 Principles of Reiki

  • Specifics of Reiki sessions 

  • Subtle anatomy of the human system

  • Chakra clearing and balancing techniques 

  • Reiki healing session for another person / Demonstration

  • Short Reiki session for another person / Demonstration

  • Grounding practice

  • Learning material

  • Diplomas  

   Live initiation can also be given after arriving at the Ruta Healing Center in Vilnius. Those who repeat the course will be given additional initiations to strengthen the Reiki energy channel. 

  Training will be conducted by:

  Rūta Černiauskaitė - founder of Ruta healing center, Reiki master-teacher, Karuna Reiki and Aura-Soma®  practitioner, spiritual spine straightening specialist, (pa) consciousness transformation master. 


  Reiki - universal vital energy coming from the highest point of the Universe. The Reiki system is a system of self-healing and spiritual development, with the help of which we can connect to the universe's universal source of healing energy, which we can use for self-healing, balancing, self-regulation, relaxation, harmonization, spiritual development, and success. Also, transfer this energy directly or remotely to another person, animal, or environment. The Reiki system consists of three levels: SHODEN, OKUDEN, and SHINPIDEN.

 This seminar is intended for people who want to develop spiritually, find out the causes of diseases, get acquainted with the Reiki healing system and practices, learn to meditate, find inner peace and harmony, and help themselves and others. To become healthy, happy, and live a fulfilling, successful life.

 Location: closed FB group. The program consists of quality recordings, live broadcasts via Zoom, and individual work.

Records can be viewed at your convenience for an unlimited time. Attention, those who do not use Facebook, we will offer another alternative. 

 Distance learning will start on February 7, 2023 

7th of February at 7 p.m.What is Reiki?

9th of February at 7 p.m.Reiki symbol

14th of February at 7 p.m. Reiki history

16th of February at 7 p.m. Self-healing practice

18th of February at 10 a.m. Kenioku / Meditation /  Need a session for yourself

​21st of February at 7 p.m. Reiki principles

23rd of February at 7 p.m. Human informational energy system

28th of February at 7 p.m. Chakra balancing methods


2nd March at 7 p.m. Reiki principles

4th of March at 10 a.m. Meditation / Chakra balancing practice

7th of March at 7 p.m. Filling with Reiki energy

9th of March at 7 p.m. Reiki healing session for another person


  Initiations will be done individually. 

 The cost of training
· 150 EUR

· For those who completed the Reiki I level at another school - 120 Eur

· For those who have previously attended training with us and want to repeat the course - 100 EUR

  Age of participants: from 18 to ∞

The number of participants is limited because we will still work with each person separately. 

​  Registration:

  Additional services with a discount for course participants:

• Remote or live Reiki session
• Remote or live spiritual spine straightening session

• Remote or live (sub)conscious transformation session 

  Information:8633 00011,,

  Your feedback

 "I went to a seminar because I've been feeling a little stuck in what I've been doing lately. I have been on the path of spiritual growth for 14 years, constantly learning something new, and moving from one level to another. Yoga, meditation, silence courses, consciousness expansion courses, blessing courses /I am a student of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar/; I myself led yoga, breathing classes, lectures, non-aggression classes with children in schools. I do classic, ayurvedic, marma point massages. I draw mandalas, paintings /I have the status of an artist/. However, I have to work intensively on my physical health all the time, because since the age of 30 my health problems have been getting deeper and stronger. So now, while working with my clients, helping them become healthier, happier, I am constantly looking for ways to help myself. Recently, I felt powerless, as if no matter what I do, what practices and therapies I apply to myself, my body is still weak, energy reserves are quickly depleted.

 After signing up for a Reiki workshop with you, I felt an uplift, a rush of energy, I already felt in advance that I would receive a new impulse for life. And so it happened. I'm so glad I made it to the live meeting. The wonderful atmosphere of the studio, where the classes were held, really great gratitude to Aista for the coziness and harmonious environment. /By the way, it is interesting that 18 years ago, the first exhibition of my drawings took place in that building, in the library/. During the classes, my senses were greatly enhanced, the meditations were very deep and inspiring. I already missed such a deep immersion in myself, merging with my higher self. I really liked your guidance, Rūta - I felt sincerity, dedication to your work, a broad approach to the subject you taught. You could see that you had gone a long way of searching and digging, you could feel the experience. /And not just a superficial acquaintance with the method, after completing several seminars and courses, which are quite common recently/. I am glad that I have such a strong connection with my angels, that they always bring me to the most suitable people for me, that I "accidentally" got into your lecture at the Masters of Calm festival. I returned home after the seminar very excited, I felt that a new phase of my life was beginning.

 As I already mentioned, the first self-medication sessions, as well as the sessions for my mother and friend, gave the effect of "flight", but then everything got better. My mother's blood pressure was adjusted /it was very high recently/, besides, her toe wound started to heal, with which we have been having problems for a couple of years, we are waiting for an appointment for surgery, because the bone is already damaged. But now, after a long time, mom feels almost pain free. My friend's sharp back pain went away, although we don't know yet whether it was from the session or for other reasons. I myself just feel very relaxed and I believe that my health will also start to improve significantly. My digestive system works very poorly, my intestines are constantly intoxicated, I have to eat very carefully and not overwork myself. I don't feel any changes yet, but it's still too early to expect. Instead, my hair suddenly stopped falling out, it was falling out a lot for several months, I was already scared. Well, I also got very good chakra balancing techniques from you, which is very important to me. Thank you, I am grateful." Rūta

  "Want to thankfor teaching Reiki first level lessons.

They helped me get to know the spiritual world better, to know myself, and I became more forgiving of others. With these lessons, I gained self-confidence and found inner peace. I started to look at the world differently, the feeling is wonderful and life has become clearer.

 Thank you very much and I look forward to my postgraduate studies. Thank you for being sweet Ruth."  Lidija

  "I am sharing about Reikil-level training. "The woodpecker is variegated - the world is even more variegated." This is wisdom. Currently, there is a large supply of various spiritual schools. It is very important to intuitively feel what you want.

Spirituality is a process.

 I'm also introspective. I thought about Reiki. The moment has come to realize it in reality. On my Facebook account, I found Reiki level 1 trainings organized by Reiki master, teacher Rūta.

  I am happy and grateful for the knowledge I received about Mikao Usui, the Japanese Reiki doctor, master, and founder of the Reiki system. Also about Reiki history, principles, practices-meditations, as well as methodical material sent by mail. Thanks to the knowledge, I got to know myself even more, I understood the signals sent by the body, I realized how to help myself to be in harmony with myself and with other people.

 Teacher-master Rūta conveys the material in a very clear, comprehensible, bright and transparent manner. During the training, answers the questions that arise, supports and guides. Thank you." Regards, Rasa.

  "It's been 4 years of Reikithere is a way of life for me... I wake up with Reiki and go to bed with Reiki :). I can't imagine my morning without chakra balancing, it's like dusting the house or taking a daily bath...nor could I live without sharing Reiki with others.
  Reiki brings freedom to the soul and strength to the temple of the soul (our body). It's a wonderful Divine tool that we all have." Jelena

 "The best thing isthat now when any pain or ailment or fatigue occurs, all you have to do is stop, sit down for meditation and ask Reiki for help. And she always comes."

  "I was in painhip joint. With the help of Reiki, I was able to restore my hip joint and now it is pain free. Reiki is such a universal healing method that helps in all aspects of life. Sometimes the wife asks to put her hands on the sore spot. And it helps. I am very happy to have such a versatile instrument. I recommend everyone to learn Reiki." Aleksandr 

  "Hello, I want to thank Ruthfor knowledge and practices. It is a wealth of great and immeasurable value from the ancestors in everyone's life journey. It is important to take time for yourself, to develop introspection, to direct your will in the right direction, to maintain a relationship with God. I found all this and more in a Reiki workshop and it allows me to get away from everyday life and take care of myself. I also thank everyone who participated in the seminar together, it was unreal☺️".  Gytis                                                                                                                                                                    

Papildomos paslaugos su nuolaida kurso dalyviams:

• Nuotolinis arba tiesioginis Reiki seansas
• Nuotolinis arba tiesioginis dvasinio stuburo ištiesinimo seansas

• Nuotolinis arba tiesioginis (pa)sąmonės transformacijos seansas 

  Informacija: +370633 00011,,

  Jūsų atsiliepimai

 "Ėjau į seminarą, nes jaučiausi jau šiek tiek užstrigusi tame, ką dariau paskutiniu metu. 14 metų einu dvasinio augimo keliu, nuolat vis kažką naujo išmokdama, pereidama iš vieno lygmens į kitą. Joga, meditacijos, tylos kursai, sąmonės plėtimo kursai, laiminimo kursai /esu Šri Šri Ravi Šankaro mokinė/, pati vedžiau jogos, kvėpavimo užsiėmimus, paskaitas, neagresijos užsiėmimus su vaikais mokyklose. Darau klasikinius, ajurvedinius, marmos taškų masažus. Piešiu mandalas, paveikslus /turiu meno kūrėjo statusą/. Tačiau visą laiką turiu intensyviai dirbti su savo fizine sveikata, nes nuo 30 metų sveikatos problemos vis gilėjo ir stiprėjo. Tad dabar, dirbdama su savo klientais, padėdama jiems tapti sveikesniais, laimingesniais, nuolat ieškau būdų, kaip padėti ir sau pačiai. Paskutiniu metu jaučiau bejėgiškumą, tarsi ką bedaryčiau, kokias praktikas bei terapijas sau betaikyčiau, kūnas vis tiek silpnas, energijos atsargos greitai išsenka.

 Užsirašiusi pas jus į Reiki seminarą, pajutau pakylėjimą, energijos antplūdį, jau iš anksto jaučiau, kad gausiu naują impulsą gyvenimui. Taip ir atsitiko. Labai džiaugiuosi, kad patekau į gyvą susitikimą. Nuostabi atmosfera studijos, kurioje vyko užsiėmimai, tikrai didelis dėkingumas Aistei už jaukumą ir harmoningą aplinką. /Beje, įdomu, kad prieš 18 metų tame pastate, bibliotekoje, įvyko pirmoji mano piešinių paroda/. Užsiėmimų metu labai sustiprėjo mano pojūčiai, meditacijos buvo labai gilios, įkvepiančios. Jau buvau pasiilgusi tokio gilaus panirimo į save, susiliejimo su savo aukštesniuoju "aš". Labai patiko jūsų, Rūta, vedimas - jautėsi nuoširdumas, pasišventimas savo veiklai, platus požiūris į dalyką, kurio mokėte. Matėsi, kad jūs nuėjote ilgą paieškų ir gilinimosi kelią, jautėsi patirtis. /O ne šiaip paviršutiniška pažintis su metodu, baigus keletą seminarų ir kursų, kas paskutiniu metu gana paplitę/. Džiaugiuosi, kad turiu tokį stiprų ryšį su savo angelais, kad jie visada suveda mane su labiausiai man tinkančiais žmonėmis, kad "netyčia" patekau į jūsų paskaitą "Masters of Calm" festivalyje. Namo po seminaro grįžau labai pakylėta, jaučiau, kad prasideda naujas mano gyvenimo etapas.

 Kaip jau minėjau, pirmi savigydos seansai, bei seansai mano mamai ir draugei davė "išskridimo" efektą, bet paskui viskas susitvarkė. Mano mamai susireguliavo spaudimas /buvo labai aukštas paskutiniu metu/, be to, jai pradėjo gyti kojos piršto žaizda, su kuria jau pora metų mes turime problemų, laukiame paskyrimo operacijai, nes jau pažeistas kaulas. Tačiau dabar mama po ilgo laiko nebejaučia beveik skausmo. Draugei praėjo aštrus nugaros skausmas, nors mes dar nežinome, ar nuo seanso, ar dėl kitų priežasčių. Aš pati tiesiog jaučiuosi labai atsipalaidavusi ir tikiu, kad ir mano sveikata pradės ženkliai gerėti. Mano virškinimo sistema labai silpnai dirba, žarnynas nuolat intoksikuojasi, turiu labai atsargiai maitintis ir nepervargti. Kol kas pokyčių nejaučiu, bet dar ir per anksti tikėtis. Užtat staigiai nustojo slinkti plaukai, kelis mėnesius stipriai byrėjo, jau buvau išsigandusi. Na, ir iš jūsų gavau labai gerus čakrų balansavimo metodus, o tas man labai svarbu. Ačiū jums, esu dėkinga." Rūta

  "Noriu padėkoti už pravestas Reiki pirmos pakopos pamokas.

Jos padėjo labiau susipažinti su dvasiniu pasauliu, pažinti save, tapau atlaidesne kitiems. Su šiomis pamokomis įgijau pasitikėjimą savimi, atradau vidinę ramybę. Į pasaulį pradėjau žiūrėti kitu žvilgsniu , jausmas nuostabus ir gyvenimas tapo skaidresnis.

 Nuoširdžiausias dėkui ir su nekantrumu lauksiu antros pakopos studijų. Ačiū, kad esi miela Rūta".  Lidija

  "Dalinuosi apie Reiki l pakopos mokymus. "Genys margas- pasaulis dar margesnis". Tai byloja išmintis. Šiuo metu yra didelė pasiūla įvairių dvasinių mokyklų. Labai svarbu intuityviai jausti ko nori.

Dvasingumas- tai procesas.

 Aš taip pat gilinuosi į save. Galvojau apie Reiki. Atėjo momentas realizuoti tai realybėje. Facebook paskyroje suradau Reiki meistrės, mokytojos Rūtos organizuojamus Reiki l pakopos mokymus.

  Esu laiminga ir dėkinga už suteiktas žinias apie Reiki japonų daktarą, meistrą, Reiki sistemos pradininką Mikao Usui. Taip pat apie Reiki istoriją, principus, praktikas- meditacijas, taip pat už metodinę medžiagą atsiųstą paštu. Žinių dėka dar labiau pažinau save, supratau kūno siunčiamus signalus, suvokiau kaip padėti sau būti harmonijoje su savimi ir su kitais žmonėmis.

 Mokytoja- meistrė Rūta medžiagą perteikia labai aiškiai, suprantamai, šviesiai ir skaidriai. Mokymų metu atsako į iškilusius klausimus, palaiko ir veda. Dėkoju." Pagarbiai, Rasa.

  "Jau 4 metai Reiki man yra gyvenimo būdas... Keliuosi su Reiki ir einu miegoti su Reiki :). Neįsivaizduoju savo ryto be čakrų balansavimo, tai kaip nusivalyti dulkes namuose ar kasdien maudytis... taip pat nebegalėčiau gyventi nesidalinant Reiki su kitais.
  Reiki suteikia laisvę sielai ir tvirtumą sielos šventyklai (mūsų kūnui). Tai nuostabus Dieviškas įrankis, kurį kiekvienas turime". Jelena

  "Geriausia tai, kad dabar atsiradus kokiam skausmui ar negalavimui, ar nuovargiui tereikia sustoti, atsisėsti meditacijai ir paprašyti Reiki pagalbos. Ir ji visada ateina."

  "Man skaudėjo klubo sąnarį. Su Reiki pagalba man pavyko atstatyti klubo sąnarį ir dabar nebeskauda. Reiki tai toks universalus gydymo būdas, kuris padeda visais gyvenimo atvejais. Kartais žmona paprašo padėti rankas ant skaudančios vietos. Ir padeda. Aš labai džiaugiuosi turėdamas tokį universalų instrumentą. Visiems rekomenduoju išmokti Reiki." Aleksandr 

  "Sveiki, noriu padėkoti Rūtai už žinias ir praktikas. Tai yra didžiulis ir nepamatuojamos vertės turtas iš protėvių kiekvieno gyvenimo kelionėje. Svarbu skirti laiko sau, ugdyti savistabą, nukreipti valią tinkama linkme, palaikyti ryšį su Dievu. Visa tai ir dar daugiau radau Reiki seminare ir tai leidžia atitrūkti nuo kasdienybės ir pasirūpinti savimi. Taip pat dėkoju visiems kas kartu dalyvavo seminare, buvo nerealu☺️".  Gytis     


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